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What is Computer Science?

Computer Science is the field of study that focuses on topics surrounding computers. A large focus of CS is software, algorithms, and computations. This is different from other similar fields, such as Computer Engineering, which focus more on the hardware aspect of computers.

Why Should I Take Computer Science?

Computer Science is a large and very interesting field. Whether you want to create your own apps, make a game, code a website, make robots, or more, the possibilities are endless! You will never run out of fun and interesting ideas. In addition to this, Computer Science is an industry that is growing very quickly, so you will have a lot of job options.

Why Should I Take Computer Science At Highline?

Highline has a wide range of classes that you can take for Computer Science. Whether that be learning Python, Java, or other coding and technical skills, Highline has you covered. Plus, you can transfer to a university in Washington to continue your education in CS (see transfer options).